martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Vocabulary of Concepts of Ch.11 Patterns of Inheritance

Allele: All molecular forms of the same gene.
Codominance: A relationship between two alleles of a gene.

Continous Variation: Small differences in a given trait among the individuals of a population.

Dihybrid Cross: An intercross between two F1 heterozygotes that are identical for two gene loci.
Epistasis: Interaction among the products of two or more gene pairs.

F1: The offspring of an initial genetic cross
F2: The offspring of parents who are the first filial generation from a genetic cross.

Incomplete Dominance: Condition in which one allele of a pair is not fully dominant.
Gene: Units of information on heritable traits, passed from parents to offspring.
Homozygus Dominant: Has a pair of
of dominant alleles. (AA)

Genotype: Genetic constitution of an individual.

Monohybrid Cross:Intercross between two F1 heterozygotes that are identical for one gene locus.

Hybrid Offspring: offspring having a pair of nonidentical alleles.
Independent Assortment: Mendelian theory that, as meiosis ends, genes on pairs of homologus chromosomes have been sorted out for distribution into one gamete or another, independently of gene pairs on other chromosomes.

Multiple Alleles System: Three or more slightly
different molecular forms of a gene that
occur among individuals of a population.

Probability: The chance that 
each outcome of a given 
event will occur is
proportional to the number
of ways the outcome 
can be reached.

Phenotype: Observable trait or traits of 
an individual that arisen from gene 
interactions and gene-environment

True-Breeding Lineage: Of sexually
reproducing species,a lineage in which
only one version of a trait appears over the
generations in all parents and their offspring.
Segregation: Mendelian 
theory. Sexually 
reproducing organisms 
inherit pairs of genes 
(on pairs of 
homologous chromosomes), 
the two genes of each 
pair are separated from each 
other at meiosis, and they end 
up in separate gametes.

Punnet Square: Construction of a simple 
diagram as a way to predict probable
outcomes of a genetic cross.

Pleiotropy: Positive or negative effects 
on two or more traits owing to expression 
of alleles at a single gene locus.Effects may 
or may not emerge at the same time.

Testcross: Experimental cross to determine
whether an individual of unknown genotype
that shows dominance for a traitis either 
homozygous dominant or heterozygous.

Has a pair of nonidentical alleles. (Aa)

Homozygous Recessive:
Has a pair of recessive alleles. (aa)


2 comentarios:

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